An amazing clip is making the rounds on Facebook today. It’s of a young man leading prayer for a group of high school students. This is the type of clip that needs to go viral more often.
It’s not every day you see a large group of young people gathered to pray for their day. The young man praying is full of passion and emotion.
His prayer was wide ranging.
“God we thank you for these young students. God we love you we honor you we are here for you.”
“We don’t have to wear a specific color, we don’t have to be a specific race we don’t have to be a specific religion to give your name reverence, God.”
He addressed societal tensions.
“I want to pray for those who are too scared right now.”
“I want to pray you remove stress right now.
Loved ones with illnesses.
“Anyone with a relative in the hospital”
And then he closed with authority, prompting a rousing reaction from the students.
He finished in emphatic fashion, “God we love you and we honor you and we praise your name. In Jesus’ name — and everybody said — AMEN!”

One student could be heard saying “he got emotional!” while another yelled “that’s what I’m talking about!” as the crowd dispersed. So awesome seeing such passion for God!
Watch the entire awesome prayer below.
(h/t Kelvin Gee)