Famed Muslim-turned-Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi shared the latest update in his ongoing cancer battle in a video blog uploaded to YouTube on Thursday, revealing some tragic news: his latest round of radiation didn’t work.
Now, Qureshi is asking the public for increased prayer as he and his family face profound uncertainty. The apologist opened the clip by thanking his fans and friends for their invocations before diving into the latest news from his doctors.
READ: Amid a Harrowing Cancer Battle Famed Christian Says He Encountered Christ in Powerful Dream
“The results aren’t good,” he said. “The radiation apparently didn’t work too well.”
While Qureshi said his primary tumor shrunk, the cancer in his lymph nodes didn’t recede and, in fact, spread to other lymph nodes in his chest, precluding him from being a candidate for much-needed surgery.
“We don’t know what’s going to happen now,” he continued. “Next week, we will be meeting with our medical oncologist who will be giving us whatever options we have now.”
Qureshi held little back in openly sharing his worries and fears, recalling the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in the Gospel of John and proclaiming that this is the sort of profound miracle he’s hoping to see unfold in his own life.
In the end, he said he “can’t lose hope,” as he has a young daughter and doesn’t want her to grow up fatherless.
“This is about the worst news we’ve received since the day we were first diagnosed,” he said. “And the cancer is now worse than where it was when we were first diagnosed.”
Watch Qureshi’s heartbreaking update below:
The evangelist has been candid about his cancer battle throughout the ordeal, recently sharing a powerful dream about Jesus that he believes was meant to give him a lesson about trust amid life’s storms.
Qureshi has mainly caught attention in recent years for his open discussion about his conversion from Islam to Christianity.
Let’s lift him up in prayer.
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