A California mother was driving home from the hospital after visiting her newborn premature twins Friday night when an alleged drunk driver crashed into her, killing her.
Santa Clarita resident Katie Snyder Evans, 37, was killed after another driver struck a curb, forcing the car to side-swipe Evans’ vehicle, which then rolled over, WPVI reported.
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Police are investigating whether alcohol played a role in the crash. No arrests were made immediately after the accident.
Evans couldn’t go a day without visiting her newborn twins, just shy of 8 weeks old, according to a YouCaring account created for the family. The twins were not expected to survive when they were born, but they are now thriving.
“That’s the irony, right? Is that you have dozens of medical professionals who have spent years training, and they’ve spent months actually working to save two lives that we thought would be lost, and then we have a life we thought we’d have that was lost just because of two bad decisions: one to go out drinking and the other — worse one — to drive afterward, and obviously it breaks my heart and it’s broken six little hearts,” said Evans’ husband, Jacob Evans.

In addition to the twins, Evans leaves behind four boys ages 12, 11, 9 and 2.
“Jacob is left to care for 6 kids by himself,” the YouCaring page states, asking people to “make Jacob’s life a little easier.”
To donate to the Evans family, click here.