Thanks to President Trump’s unorthodox use of Twitter, there’s never a dull moment.
Tonight, his reply to an insult levied at him by the North Korean dictator has Trump supporters laughing and cheering, and his critics crumbled in a triggered heap, believing a world war has just been initiated.
Trump is never one to back down from an insult lobbed in his direction, so when North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un recently called him a “lunatic old man” it was fairly obvious this was not going to go without a classic Trump response. True to form, the President took to Twitter this afternoon and unleashed the mother of all tweets, which set the internet on fire.
Here it is:
Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend – and maybe someday that will happen!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 12, 2017
Wow. It’s pretty certain Jong-un isn’t used to being humiliated like that.
The public reaction has been mixed. Of course, Trump supporters seem to love the tweet. Having viewed President Obama as soft, often projecting American weakness with things like over exaggerated bows when meeting world leaders, they welcomed the tough talk:
I might as well deactivate now because nothing will ever top this LMFAO
— B o w i e (@BitchAssBowie) November 12, 2017
And of course, there are those who feel Trump is one tweet away – perhaps it’s this one – from starting a nuclear war:
The main complaint from critics, seemingly, is the alleged lack of anything remotely presidential with this sort of communication.
But brash, blunt Trump on Twitter doesn’t ever seem to get old for his supporters. They simply do not care that he’s unafraid to (literally) speak his mind on social media and it’s this type of behavior that precisely what seems to endear him even more with them.
Presidential or not, Trump certainly has a flare for the dramatic headline and it appears anyone who targets him verbally is destined to get a response, for better or worse.
Faithwire has reported extensively on the horrors of living in North Korea, especially for those who attempt to practice or preach Christianity.