Two small Texas cities have become the second and third in the country to outlaw abortion entirely and become “sanctuary cities for the unborn.” The northeast Texas towns of Omaha and Naples have both passed ordinances making it a criminal offense to abort unborn babies at any stage of pregnancy.
“The City of Omaha, Texas (Population 1,021) just voted all in favor of their city outlawing abortion and declared themselves to be the next Sanctuary City for the Unborn!” wrote the Director of Right to Life of East Texas, Mark Dickson, on Facebook. Dickson has been campaigning relentlessly for the eradication of abortion across Texas.
Clarifying some crucial elements of the new law, Dickson told Faithwire that the Omaha/Naples Ordinance “does not have an exception for rape or incest and brings even more clarity by naming which abortifacients are outlawed within the city.”
The segment of the ordinance relating to that issue has been obtained by Faithwire and can be seen below:

The ordinance “makes it impossible for abortion services to be provided within the city,” Mark added. “Because of the Omaha/Naples Ordinance, no abortion clinic will ever be able to move into these cities in the great State of Texas.”
Waskom, Texas, became America’s first-ever sanctuary city for the unborn following a City Council vote in June. Following that landmark occasion, Dickson said that “many other cities have shown interest in outlawing abortion.”
“There are already other cities here in Texas who are placing a similar ordinance on their agenda for a vote at their next meeting.”
You can learn more about Mark’s pioneering work by visiting the Sanctuary for the Unborn website here.