By Steve Warren, Benjamin Gill
The attorney for Norma McCorvey – aka Jane Roe of the infamous Supreme Court abortion ruling Roe v. Wade – has a warning for viewers of the upcoming FX documentary “AKA Jane Roe”. He says, “Don’t trust it. It’s patently false.”
And former Planned Parenthood director now-pro-life-activist Abby Johnson says McCorvey called her privately just days before her death. She tells CBN News that McCorvey’s actions and life decisions were the opposite of what the documentary conveys.
In what the documentary bills as “a deathbed confession,” McCorvey reportedly goes on camera to say her pro-life conversion was just an act. However, there are numerous facts and personal stories that contradict that so-called confession.
In an interview on CBN’s Newswatch on Wednesday, Johnson was asked if McCorvey’s conversion to a pro-life Christian was fake. She said two decades of history and her phone call with McCorvey prove otherwise.
“Her 22 years in the pro-life movement, of dedicating herself to overturning a law that bore her name was very sincere, and it was very real,” Johnson says.

“And what I do know is that the abortion industry manipulated her when she was young, into being Jane Roe. And I believe that they manipulated her in the very last year of her life,” she said. “What I saw in the final days of her life when I spoke to her on the phone was a woman who was contrite, she was repentant, she was tormented by what she had allowed the abortion industry to coerce her into doing.”
Allan Parker, the founder, and president of The Justice Foundation represented McCorvey from 2000 to 2005 in her legal efforts to reverse her own case.
“In view of my many conversations with Norma and considering the sworn testimony she provided to the Supreme Court, I believe the producers of the newly-released FX documentary ‘AKA Jane Roe’ paid Norma, befriended her and then betrayed her. This documentary cannot be trusted and the perception it attempts to create around my friend and former client, Norma, is patently false,” Parker said in a statement.
The facts of McCorvey’s case cannot be denied, according to The Justice Foundation:
- Her sworn testimony provided to the US Supreme Court details her efforts to reverse Roe v. Wade.
- McCorvey changed her mind from being pro-abortion to being pro-life after working in the abortion industry. The actual reality of the callous disregard for women led her to change her mind on abortion.
- Once she became pro-life, McCorvey fought to the end of her life with all of the power and effort she could muster to reverse Roe v. Wade, including asking the Supreme Court to hear her case again. McCorvey’s arguments in her Rule 60 Motion which she filed have still not been ruled on by the Court to this day.
- McCorvey loved the women of Operation Outcry, the women who had been injured by abortion and who helped Norma collect testimonies of women injured by abortion.
- Every year on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, she felt the grief, sorrow, and burden of another million babies killed in America. Even though she knew she was forgiven, still felt legally responsible for the deaths. She felt used and abused by the legal system, including her lawyers and the Supreme Court.
Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson also posted a statement to her Facebook page about McCorvey.
“I spoke to Norma McCorvey days before her death. It was the only time we had ever spoken. An unexpected call and a number I didn’t recognize, I almost didn’t answer. I am so thankful that I did. There was no long introduction. No formalities. She told me that she called because she needed to talk to someone else who had a ‘big number’ and would understand what she needed to ask me,” Johnson wrote.
The “big number” was the number of babies who had been aborted while Johnson was at Planned Parenthood.
“Yes, I have a ‘big number’ – 22,000. But it was a drop in the bucket compared to the burden that she felt. My number was just part of ‘her number.’ Because she felt like she owned EVERY number. She owned my 22,000. She felt like she owned them all. Every abortion that had been committed under the law that bore her name…’ Jane Roe’…they were ‘hers’,” she continued.
Johnson also writes about the burden that McCorvey carried with her every day of her life.
“Now imagine 50 million, 60 million. That’s the burden that Norma carried. A self-imposed burden that she could not shake…that she carried with her until the day of her death. She was a fragile woman. A woman whose life was riddled with heartache. She was shamelessly used by the abortion industry at a young age. She was a vulnerable target for them and that’s who they prey on. No one reading this can even understand the mental state of a woman tormented by that burden…especially in the last year of her life,” Johnson wrote.
Johnson remembers McCorvey as a dedicated pro-life advocate and says the abortion industry has manufactured yet another lie.
“Her many years as a dedicated pro-life advocate was not a lie. Her tearful conversation (which I will keep private) with me days before her death was not a lie. The hours she spent praying in front of abortion facilities was not a lie. Her life with Christ was not a lie. THE ABORTION INDUSTRY IS A LIE. They lied about and manipulated her so many years ago, they did it right before her death and they are even doing it after her death. They are the lie,” Johnson concluded.